Called me java

Friday, September 23, 2005

bad news...

Busy today, no time to meet kam at noon…back to church tonight for worship team practice the songs…however……misunderstand me ….i know u guys r joking, but I still dun like that feeling……….i chat with ivy and tuntun till 1200, when I arrive my hostel, it is talking around 100am, I dun care if it is once, but I think too many recently…………

while I want to do my assignment…..i heard form selina, Mr Ken sir ………died……as heart disease……………….wu…wu..wu……I miss u so much, u gave me your textbook as a gift for 1st place on computer studies……………why…why why…….who can tell me why…………down…………I just think my epitaph yesterday……

how come this news come from…my dear god...."喜樂的心乃是良藥;憂傷的靈使骨枯乾。"

Thursday, September 22, 2005


上堂之後, 同ar sam 返shaw 抽winning, 仲同佢去做gym, wah…好支力a……
今日係中就closing ceremony, 要著suit, 發覺冇帶皮帶…哈…做show日, 不過都好好, 因為又可以見返大家西安人~ 而今晚仲播返我地嘔心瀝血的作品的video, 睇到大家的努力成果, 而自己又是參與的一份子, 個感覺都幾滿足~~
完左show 之後, 大家食下野, 吹下水咁, 好好玩~ 而中間仲加插偉哥同ar 文的蝦look 結婚show, 到企唔直~~
之後西安人再去海旁吹吹風, 傾下計咁, 同raymond傾左好多關於對自己家庭的感覺, nice chat!! Raymond, u r a very good boy!!! 而其他西安人就好癲咁係到陏手陏腳, 次次見到佢地都咁搞笑~~
返到大學就同長坤, Raymond 行入shaw, 星空下繼續chatting~好多都好deep, nice~~
我喜歡寧靜的感覺~ 亦喜歡傾計~ 不過人多有時好難傾, 如果今晚冇乜同你傾計, next time!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


在shaw的每個早上, 我都會好準時7點而唔駛鬧鐘就起到身.....oh....個太陽....日日曬落黎.......之後我就會係床到典黎典去.......今朝maggie佢o day,係第一日返中大校外進修學院, 9點幾打比我問我落唔落火車站去會會佢...@@ .....

上普通話, 好多chem人, 有a錢佢地~ 而我係中就識左好多, 柏佳, sally 佢地~ 而我中同悶人都係chem, 佢係shaw d roomates 又識埋....都有十幾廿個chem人...分分鍾仲多過我自己個系...

今日我一定要表揚下中大同學仔的道德操守, 高尚而自重的品格。我上星期六發現我唔見左張學生證, 今日居然比我去u lib 到問, 有同學仔路不拾遺, 將我張學生證交比u lib d staff, so 我今日有得攞返我張證!! Xxx同學, 多謝晒!!!

Ps 下午行uc梯見到條蛇….
To sam, 而家我上網short short 地, 好多時都會double左….
To 千祁哥, 咁岩a, 我又係4點wor!!! 我坐G8, 中間位, 你坐邊a? 估唔到可以同你一齊睇戲咁開心~
To selina, e….今次唔係我約人….肥堂打黎比我都係8xx pm, missed a chance to chat tim….pity….下次我地會係星期二, 27/9 返心誠~

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


初頭有d灰, 始終覺得有假唔放要返中大做fyp係好慘ge, 不過諗諗下…都覺得自己仲好細路…而家year 3係咁ga la! 勁欣賞志仔的毅力!!!
下午balance返~去左沙田ua 睇 ”喇叭書院” 好搞笑, 故事都ok, 有d 感人位咁~佢地d jazz 好得!! 最好笑係肥肥地o個個日版小儀, 爆裙同野pig 超好笑~~~佢地d歌都好好聽, 等我都搵返noarh jones 同louis armstong d歌聽返先~~哈哈
夜晚返宿…可惡, 上網成日disconnect…大家見我成日online 就唔好話我la…佢係自動connect 同disconnect ga….我乜都唔知ga…

Monday, September 19, 2005

Family day

i back to my home on sunday, nice~ i meet my family at Full Moon chinese resturant and have tea time meal! Full very much!! Father also go with us, as my father hate to have a late lunch......but he still come and have little thing, great! then i stay at home at night and have the dinner with my whole family~ ^^

之後同中學同學一齊出去大埔食糖水~去行海濱公園~~有a to,a ray, 肥堂, eddie, rock, mandy, carol~好耐冇見carol同eddie了~ 同佢地傾下傾下都好多野, 大家都冇咩點變~~ 不過eddie好似瘦左同黑左dd咁~之後大家仲一齊行石春路, 好搞笑~

Sunday, September 18, 2005


this saturday has many moods......

it is my first time to meet Yellow bee in sheung shui, he phoned me at morning and we toke the KCR togehter~ We talked so much too~ and i played the chess game in his mobile, he said he only win once, while my turn, i win the computer within 10mins~~ hahah~~~

He go to shatin and i go to MK of my fyp materials, i got discouragement as the wheels cost $800...we only have $1600 budget, how can we use so much money on wheels............we complusively change our idea now......and i try to find a shop for 45mins but no any news...raining while i am walking faze...

originally, i dated Max and Yellow bee to have dinner tonight, however...Max phoned me and said that he can't join tonight......double disappointment...

while i back to church, i talk so less this time...i think i always forgive ppl, however indeed, i am the one who forgiven by my father, dear god

i refill energy, haha, nice chat with hoying, puiying and chun ming while dinner, and i play winning eleven 6 in church with allen, anthony and turtle and equip a big big TV, so fantastic~

i haven't go to join xianian at mid-night, as i feel tired and always "cut", i don't want to spread my sickness......haha, but i still meet chi son for fyp in msn......till 3am..?! i dun have the sense of timeing now......oops...