Called me java

Friday, September 30, 2005


今日傍晚搭火車, 好多人, 有人仲係個gap到夾親...我睇書都好似兩個人睇咁, 人地個頭都夾埋黎.....
十月一日返大陸, 呢個現象我想拍低佢, 係discovery channel 度播...可能d外國人會覺得好新奇...


走堂? 遲到? 岩岩好?


Thursday, September 29, 2005



昨晚去了patrick 的家, 和他一家人食晚飯, 之後更一起去食糖水, 好不融洽, 傾談的內容不單玩樂, 我們都彼此用心, 談談如何令黃蜂和maggie 等人解決他們現面對的問題…怎樣怎樣才能提供最好的幫助……….是什麼令我如此操心? 大概我覺得我是有份於他們的, 真的嗎??

……我的好友, 他和她有情人終成眷屬, 由當初是什麼也沒有的……..經過一輪又一輪的……現在他們終於成為情侶…雖說不上驚天地, 但兩人走在一起…有一個可信任的傾訴對象, 是多美麗的圖畫……

今晚……去了…簡志遠老師的…喪禮…給我很大的感嘆……中學同學見面竟要靠一個這樣的聚會………回想當時中四五的時候,電腦科就是簡sir任教的……記得當時誰人成績最高就可以得到text book 一本, 幸運地那個人就是我…...多謝您........但令我最…..可恨…可痛的竟是你趕不切做那決定…信主……在天堂上看不見你嗎…嗚嗚…嗚…...我始終都會記住你上課時的態度, 既親近, 又嚴厲……

跟selina和ar比食過飯, 回想當時中學的生活, 說說那個那個老師現在怎麼, 有的結婚, 有的由離婚再開始…有的有網上情緣…可能他們的事與我們不太有關, 但我們傾起時就有一種歸屬感, 因為我是屬於那個群體的…而說到同學們怎樣時, 似乎大家都很關心前途..感情更是大熱門…

令我今天再添色彩的是…在回程時……newmen竟打電話給我….他是我們在西安認識的一位朋友, 是巴基斯坦人, 我和他只是吃過一頓飯……他是在西安交通大學讀醫的, 他的爸爸是一位國際企業家, 在美國, 日本, 還有巴基斯坦都有他的生意……想不到他會主動跟我們聯絡….他好心的問我how r u…….我只能答一句feel tired……我又如何用英語表達我的心情呢….但究底他也懂得重情……有時好可笑的是我們在香港這少少地方, 要見一面都是何等艱鉅…香港人……

現在看一本書叫做<<幸福的六年>>, 作者是個日本人, 叫加藤浩美, 這書大概講她辛苦十月懷胎後, 心想有一個幸福的家, 卻…誕下的孩子不幸患有唐氏綜合症和嚴重心臟病….醫生說小孩只有一年的壽命……但作者仍悉心照料……書裡說到…”一位是甜蜜忠誠慈柔的化身, 一位則呈現在鏡中的倒影裡”…愛意每日都在發放……

自從造天地以來、 神的永能和 神性是明明可知的、雖是眼不能見、但藉著所造之物、就可以曉得、叫人無可推諉.

如果你不相信渾天儀不用人手做出來, 也不相信電腦是意外爆出來, 那可相信這世界背後沒有一位造物主呢………不要只問問題, 反要學習承受

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

time of your life

so take the photographs, and still frames in your mind.
Hang it on a shelf of good health and good time.
Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial.
For what it's worth, it was worth all the while.
I hope you had the time of your life.

-Form Green Day's Nimrod

Back to Flss with my old secondary classmates today afternoon, Grace doesn't change so much, still a easy smile girl. haha, But Don changed so much, as i know, he won't have soup and drink when he have lunch....but he do have soup and drink today, and eat slow, what he did? haha, but it is a good phenomenon. Mr pang sir also talk with the same tone, haha, he always teach me his own life style and his idea and also emphasize the importance of money, why he always think that gar....anyway, he treat nice to us!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The rhythm of the rain

I hate raining when I hold many many things and walk alone the street. However, in my imagination, I can dance and sing in the rain but not walk only. Finally, I walk also, but my heart and mood changed!

Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road.
Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to do.
So make the best of this test, and don't ask why.
It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time.
It's something unpredictable, but in the end is right.
I hope you had the time of your life.

Monday, September 26, 2005


i go to chinese resturant and have breakfast with my dad and sister, nice.
i find what i lost, the concentrated mind, yeah!
i back to CU today for my fyp, me and chi cannot concluded anythings, but i fall in reading on train! i lost this mood for a long time, great!

maggie, nice to hear you chat many many to me though msn, and those your feeling, i will help you by your side, remember you can do anything in god!

Sunday, September 25, 2005

颱風吹襲過後, 天氣已平靜下來......但地上還有很多沒有生命力的樹葉和枯枝, 誰來清理呢.......

i go to kwan tong to learn guitar with yellow bee this friday night, "ko chung" is very very good guitar teacher, although the stuffs his teach is not difficult, i cannot catch easily......he said my basic techniques r good! and i chat with yellow bee after the lesson........yellow bee, time to growth la...

back to home, feel comfort