Called me java

Friday, October 07, 2005


21歲, 我還是個細路, 內外都係, 哈哈哈

之前4/10我係Patrick 家食完飯之後, 佢車我去找selina, 佢之前話送佢爸爸譯既書比我, 今次話當係生日禮物送比我, thx! 遲d睇完寫返d comment 先得.
Then 我地渣車返埋教會同ar 燊一齊慶祝, 因為佢係4/10 生日, 細我364日咁多多~ 有蛋糕食~ 多謝sam chau, 可盈, Anthony, patrick, ivy, 黃蜂, ar 燊, + hang ~

中午約左西安人一齊慶祝我生日~ 非常非常warm and happy~ 係呢到容許我講多次….

多謝你地之前的預備如聯絡,thx taylor!
and for the gift, i really like it most~ thx mike and frank!
Special thx to cheung kwan and wingwing for the cake, 我都係人生第一次有自己個名的蛋糕~ 好感動a!
raymond 做cam man, 係咁影相, thc!
你地送比我張卡都好鍾意~ 個封面公仔好得意~~
仲有一班好兄弟走堂都stay 係到多一陣~多謝晒!
我會記住今日ga la!! ^^
thx henry, wai, penny, horse, sally, kaye, parkin’, a hoi, Bobo, a man, soso, sylvia~
份禮物好岩我放係宿舍, 佢係一個會流水的的竹筒擺設, 好有意境~ 我睇書又會好feel d, 仲有我而家開始種d植物仔, 個竹筒d水又可以攞黎淋花, 一物二用~正~~

夜晚約左小學同學去沙田食野~去左小巴黎, d野食好好味~ 佢地又送禮物比我~ 最搞笑係佢地叫我行快d, 之後係後面”笠” 個袋仔落黎, 好surprise~ really thx~
其實我幾鍾意同人地一齊買早餐, 因為食早餐既時候就會諗起你地~
多謝你地a, yanmanyee~ special thx to a , I really love to chat with u too, we had talk so many every times, and thx your card, mini but full of feel ! yes, I feel so happy!

返到宿舍, 同西安男一齊係shaw 到飲紅酒, 你地好勁, 識好多野, “卦杯度”都識~ 不過下次飲o個時可唔可以斯文d, 比返d氣質呢? 慢慢飲先得ga ma~ haha~
去到凌晨一點半, 踢陣燕, 大家都支力 la, 休息la…多謝你地每一個…

仲有好多人係電話同icq send message 比我, 好開心~! 多謝晒!!!! Thx Raymond chau, isablle, moon shek, flora, money, MST, Michael, elle, emma, Thomas, Ka hung and also Stephen’s call form Canada!

6/10, 就同我最岩key的墨魚慶祝佢同我生日, 我大佢一日, 我地兄弟相稱, 想當年一齊出生入死, 殺盡北區棋檀, 再力戰港九高手…我地經常心意相通, 大家都知大家諗咩野, 太難得了!!! Happy birthday too! Thx 奶佬, 悶人, 悶細!

Lastly, also my dear Lord, u give me a big prize to me too, thx!!!!!

Ps, 肥堂都生日, 生日快樂a 肥堂!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005



tonight i go to patrick home and have dinner with his family, and i play germany bridge with Tin Lok, he is so smart but he is a primary 5 chird......lastly, i shown some magic to him, but he confuse me with his own method....really smart.....最尾比佢係咁亂洗牌...叫我估......實估唔到la...不過我問下佢問題你隻牌係唔係呢到, then望下佢隻眼, oh...差一隻牌比我估到~~佢仲話" 真係差d比你估到tim, 你係咪望我隻眼望邊ga, 渣華哥哥?" 哈哈, 同佢玩真係好玩~ 乜而家d細路咁醒ge~

Monday, October 03, 2005


Waiting a football game for one month.....disappointed as the lower form play a long time without a neck become longer and longer....but I still feel good for playing this game!

And I find one secret, horizontal and vertical is totally different....


之前mami佢930生日, 預埋我, 今日一次過慶祝, 一齊食蛋糕~ 好好味~ mami佢仲煲左d雪梨水比我帶返宿, 真係好! ^_____^
今日我放棄左補習, 去左發夢, 是正確的!!! 感謝主的帶領!!
Liverpool lose 4:1, 賓總最尾唔知想點…..換到得返兩個後衛, 學界都唔會la…今年都係車仔的世界了…

Sunday, October 02, 2005


u can work in serious, but u can talk with sense of humour too

cooking in house....busy in church.....nice chat while dinner with anthony, sharon, allen and ivy.....working on my assignment at mid-night....

words are wisdom